BARR, Alfred H.

Wirkungsort / Wohnort

New York

Beruf / Tätigkeit

Kurator(in) / Autor(in) / Herausgeber(in)

Autor(in) von

What is Modern Painting? Introductory Series to the Modern Arts 2
NEW YORK Museum of Modern Art 1956b
Die Wirkung der deutschen Aus­stellung in New York
BARR 1931b
Deutsche Kunst in New York. Ein Rückblick
BARR 1931a
Journalistischer Beitrag

Herausgeber(in) von

Painting and Sculpture in the Museum of Modern Art 1929–1967
NEW YORK Museum of Modern Art 1977
Meister der modernen Kunst
NEW YORK Museum of Modern Art 1956a
Masters of Modern Art
NEW YORK Museum of Modern Art 1954
Painting and Sculpture in the Museum of Modern Art
NEW YORK Museum of Modern Art 1948
Painting and sculpture in the Museum of Modern Art
NEW YORK Museum of Modern Art 1942

Kurator(in) von

Art in Our Time. An Exhibition to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Museum of Modern Art and the Opening of its New Building
NEW YORK Museum of Modern Art 1939
German Painting and Sculpture
NEW YORK Museum of Modern Art 1931

Verbundene Institutionen

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