Museum Wiesbaden, Dauerleihgabe des Vereins zur Förderung der bildenden Kunst in Wiesbaden

Archiv Jean-Claude Binoche. Foto: Vincent Girier Dufournier, Paris

As per the specifications of the heirs of the Copyright owner or the managing society. Provenance: Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid

New York, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), Given anonymously (by exchange), 6.1942.a-c.© 2018. Digital image, The Museum of Modern Art, New York / Scala, Florence

Archiv Eigentümer(in) / Owner's archive

Photograph Courtesy of Sotheby's, Inc. © 2010

Saint Louis Art Museum, Bequest of Morton D. May 851:1983

Museum Osthaus, Hagen. Foto: Achim Kukulies, Düsseldorf

akg-images 583036

Hilti Art Foundation, Schaan, Liechtenstein

Minneapolis, Institute of Art

Courtesy Metropolitan Museum, New York (Sabine Rewald)

Courtesy Galerie Thomas, München