Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York 70.1927

Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main - U. Edelmann / ARTOTHEK

Museum Folkwang Essen / ARTOTHEK

Christie's Images Limited © 2019. Christie's Images, London / Scala, Florence

Von der Heydt-Museum Wuppertal. Foto: Antje Zeis-Loi, Medienzentrum Wuppertal

Privatsammlung in der Hamburger Kunsthalle. Foto: Elke Walford

Hilti Art Foundation, Schaan, Liechtenstein

Courtesy Galerie Thomas, München

© Staatsgalerie Stuttgart

Archiv Eigentümer(in) / Owner's archive

Mark Ranney Memorial Fund 1946.1 - University of Iowa City Museum of Art. Reproduced with permission from The University of Iowa

Courtesy Metropolitan Museum, New York (Sabine Rewald)

Courtesy Galerie Thomas, München

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Courtesy Galerie Thomas, München

Courtesy Galerie Thomas, München

Minneapolis, Institute of Art

© Staatsgalerie Stuttgart

Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Museum of Art

Richmond, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. Foto: David Stover

Kansas City, Missouri, The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. Gift of the Friends of Art, 54-86. Image courtesy Nelson-Atkins Media Services / Photo: Jamison Miller

Fort Dodge, Blanden Art Museum

Collection Of The Portland Art Museum

Photograph Courtesy of Sotheby's, Inc. © 2017

2018 Christie's Images Limited

Washington, National Gallery of Art. Gift of Mrs. Max Beckmann 1975.96.2


Sprengel Museum Hannover, Kunstbesitz der Landeshauptstadt Hannover, Schenkung Volkswagenwerk GmbH, Wolfsburg (1956) / Ali

Berlin / Köln, Archiv Mayen Beckmann. Foto: Fotostudio Bartsch, Berlin

Washington, National Gallery of Art. Gift of Mrs. Max Beckmann 1975.96.1.a-c